2018 "Future Green Leaders' training camp hot recruitment!

publish time:2018-04-06

Background of the project

Green and sustainable development are the hot issues of the international community's attention,But also around the world,Especially in China,Major challenges faced in the 21st century。Compared with the rapid development of China's green field,Chinese professionals in the field of green,In particular leader is a serious shortage。

INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR CHINA'S ENVIRONMENT(IFCE)We have long been committed to promoting Sino-US exchange environment,Promote the development of non-governmental environmental forces, In particular, the growth of student environmental organization。2015year, Foundation launched the first session of the International Green Youth Leadership Development Camp, Through the promotion of international exchange and learning,Enhance the understanding of green field development of college students, Youth leadership development。The 2018 IFCE "Green Future Leaders" training camp in 2015 and 2017 on the basis of,Not only will visit many of the government in Washington、Think tanks and non-profit organizations,The World Bank and the United States will visit leading universities and talk with experts and scholars。At the same time in 2018 also increased the direction of innovation leadership training and seminars,It aims to inspire a sense of innovation,Provide a new knowledge for those interested in youth leadership and promote China's green development,Ability and vision development platform。



International Fund for China’s Environment



Renmin University of China School of Environment

Nankai University College of Environmental Science and Engineering

International Association of Peking University students

West Peihua University

Project Objectives

1. Learn thinking green innovation,Develop leadership and organizational skills。

2. Deep into the American energy and green environment agency,Depth exchanges with industry experts,Understanding of American history and the development of green and sustainable。

3. US technology companies and leading experts in depth discussion of sustainable development and innovation and technology and other related topics, Building up a network, Broaden their horizons。




华盛顿特区、new York、New Haven、Boston

Target of enrollment

对绿色发展和创新科技感兴趣,It has a certain organizational and leadership skills of college students、Graduate or serving officers




项目费用:36,000 yuan


往返美国机票费用 (北京/上海出发)

在美的食宿,Transportation and lectures, translation,Admission fee、境外人身保险费

Does not include:

All fees apply for a passport / visa, To the country of departure (Beijing or Shanghai) transportation costs,Overseas communications and other personal expenses

IFCE 将为优秀学员提供部分奖学金(6000-16000元)



1. submit application





2. The first round of audit and consulting projects

After we receive your resume,It will be forwarded to the audit review committee。If passed a first reading,We will issue a preliminary examination in the mail within three working days the applicant,And a return visit,Applicants answer doubts。

3. Skype Interview

We will make an appointment interview with the applicant。Then Skype interview conducted on applicants by the Project Review Committee,Assessment of their overall quality and basic English skills and decide whether to grant scholarships。

4. Admission notification

If the applicant successfully passed the interview,We'll decision on admission。

5. Visa assistance

申请者确认参加后,China International Environmental Foundation will issue official invitations,And to assist visa applicants。

6. 项目申请截止日期




7月21日 星期六


7月22日 星期日

参观白宫国会大厦、Lincoln Memorial、杰佛逊纪念堂自然历史博物馆等深入了解美国国家机构设立政治体制全面了解美国发展历史

at night:

China Foundation for International Environmental Welcome Dinner:Foundation consultant,Director,中国大使馆官员美国EPADOE 官员重要智库和国际机构代表等出席

7月23日 星期一


领导力培训讲座 1:“发展中国家NGO和政策现状”

Presenter:Dr. John Bruce, China Foundation for International Environmental Leadership Development Instructor, 前福特基金会项目官员

in the afternoon:

Visit the World Bank / GEF headquarters,With the World Bank Environment,energy,Economic experts face to face forum,Learn the World Bank / Global Environment Facility Energy and environment for sustainable development projects carried out in the world。 ·

7月24日 星期二


领导力培训讲座 2:"How to improve your leadership."

Presenter:Michael Maccoby, Harvard and Oxford University Professor Emeritus

in the afternoon:

领导力培训讲座 3:"How to establish and develop non-profit organization"

Presenter:Dr. HePing, President of China International Environmental Foundation

7月25日 星期三


领导力培训讲座 4:"From Immigrant to Chief Economist - leader to success."

Presenter:Samuel Mok, Former chief economist of the US Department of Labor

in the afternoon:

Access to the world's largest environmental organization WWF US headquarters,Understand the operation of the Environmental Protection Organization,Depth exchanges with experts environmental projects,Policies for sustainable development,Energy and animal protection issues related to Dr. Hu Tao, Director of WWF-US China

7月26日 星期四


Departs for New York

in the afternoon:

Visit United Nations Headquarters,United understand the internal workings and functions of various departments

7月27日 星期五

Browse Manhattan,The economic capital of the United States understand the historical changes。While visiting the Statue of Liberty,Wall Street,Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum and other world famous attractions

7月28日 星期六


Leave for New Haven


in the afternoon:

Arrived at Yale University and explore academic exchange with professors and students at Yale University,Visit Yale University and learn about the history of the top universities。

at night:

To Boston

7月29日 星期日




in the afternoon:

Boston city sightseeing,了解其历史

7月30日 星期一


The project is expected harvest

1. 对绿色行业的全面理解

By US trip,Participants can from policy、financial、technology、商业等各个方面了解绿色发展现状开拓眼界

2. Enhance innovation and leadership


3. Exchange of experience leading universities

By accessing the US elite,And students,expert、Professor depth exchanges related to the development of green industry issues,Lay the foundation for possible future student life。

4. US East、The western city of Experience

United States feel the charm of the historic city of science and technology and new capital,Depth understanding of American culture,history,Economic and development history and current situation。

5. certificate

Participants will receive "future environmental leaders" training certificate issued by the Foundation。

6. Follow-up service

After the end of the project,We will use the international platform for high-end green industry,It provides students with career counseling service continuity。


Samuel Mok


Samuel Mok是华盛顿特区管理咨询公司Condor International Advisors LLC创始人为在美国和联邦市场开展业务的美国公司和国际客户进行专业咨询。2001年1月至2007年5月Mok先生担任美国劳工部首席财务官Mok先生曾在五个美国政府部门担任职务Mok先⽣是美国华裔社区知名领袖同时担任国际青年领袖基金会的理事

Michael Maccoby


Michael Maccoby教授是一位在领导力方面有着40年咨询经验并在36个国家的大学工会、Government、商界和非盈利机构提供咨询和指导并在全球都受到认可的哈佛教授Maccoby教授同时还是位于华盛顿特区专供与提供领导力服务和咨询的Maccoby Group的总裁Maccoby教授从哈佛大学获得了本科和博士学位并在那里协调和指导了科技公共政策和人类发展项目20年


Dr. Ping He

President of China International Environmental Foundation

何平博士于1996年与三十几位海外环境专家在华盛顿共同创立国际中国环境基金会,And he has served as president of the Foundation。Foundation and domestic and international environmental protection organizations to establish a wide range of contacts,In Environmental Education、Technology Exchanges、Policy advice and promote the development of civil environmental organization has carried out a series of activities,Become an important force to promote US-China environmental interaction。Dr. Ping organized every year overseas experts to the Chinese government on environmental、Energy policy advice and resource management,Many of the recommendations were adopted。何平博士目前还担任全国政协海外特邀代表


李博士在土地产权财产权利和农村发展领域特别在这些领域中关注社会性别问题超过25年她为世界银行美国国际发展署、Ford Foundation、IFADWFPWNIFEMUNRISD 等多个国际组织进行过实地研究和专家咨询。2004-2005year,她独立管理了美国国际发展署在哈萨克斯坦乌兹别克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦的土地产权登记项目在这之后她在美国联邦政府的另一个国际援助机构(MCC)设计和管理了非洲和南亚的项目最近她刚完成在美国福特基金会北京办公室经济保障项目官员三年的工作回到美国重新开始专家咨询和帮助能力建设的工作


INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR CHINA'S ENVIRONMENT (International Fund for China’s Environment) Founded in 1996 by a group of Chinese environmental concerns and technology professionals in the United States。The aim of the foundation is to ensure the health of the global environment and sustainable economic development by addressing China's environmental problems。

Since its inception,Foundation advice and consultancy in policy,Technological exchanges and cooperation,Support the development of environmental NGOs,Education and other areas of public and environmental impact carried out a series of activities and projects。2002,The United Nations Foundation has been assessed as one of the major environmental organizations,Foundation set up Advisory Board,Council,Implementing agencies and members of the network。

China Foundation for International Environmental by experienced natural and social scientists, These professionals not only to the Chinese culture has a profound understanding of China and the country has a professional and technical contact,It plays an important role in IFCE effectively play its role in protecting the environment。


1. 向中国政府提供环境,Strategic advice and protection of energy resources;

2. 促进新环境/能源/绿色技术在中国的应用和推广

3. 支持和帮助中国环境社会组织发展

4. Promote government,Private organizations and businesses bilateral and multilateral cooperation in solving environmental problems;

5. Conduct public environmental education and training programs,Strengthen public understanding of the relationship between environmental issues and human survival;

Foundation consultant:

Dr. George Archibald,Lester Brown 先生,Ms. Anna Chennault,Jack Dangermond先生

Wesley Eckenfelder,Professor He Ping, Melinda Kimble,Professor Li Deren,Dr. Liu Xi,Mr. Robert McGauphy,Mr. Mo Tiancheng,Mr. Xie Zhenhua,Xu Zhihong,Professor Yang Yuming,Professor Zhu Tan,Durwood J. Zaelke

Foundation director:

The class,of Ferris,He Ping,Huang Dexi,Jiang Shan times,Li Hui,Juliet·H·Luo,Malaysia,Nora Maccoby,Peng Ningke,Schreifels Jeremy,Sun Yongjian,Wang Tao,Shey,Yang Ming,Yao new,Zhao Yan Shu,Zhao Xiuying,Ping Chong