Three Rivers National Park Service and China International Engineering Consulting Corporation study tour the delegation visited the United States National Park Service planning experience

publish time:2018-07-16




代表团于2017年7月18日晚抵达美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区开始了此次访问之旅代表团前往了美国渔业与野生动物管理局,By the heads of conservation planning and policy at the Aaron Mize、International Affairs Commissioner Brendan Tate and international protection of biological experts at the warm reception, Mr. Damon Yeh。During the meeting,The two sides discussed the US Fish and Wildlife Service functions and internal organization。Mr. Mize details the status and management of wildlife sanctuaries US delegation,And explained the difference between the functions of administration and wildlife sanctuaries and national parks。The delegation also explained the status of wildlife management of protected areas and progress in the construction of China's Three Rivers National Park to the US Fish and Wildlife Service experts。Next,The delegation came to the United States Department of the Interior headquarters building to meet with specialists at the Eurasian National Park Administration Department of International Cooperation Mr. Rudy D'Alessandro and other experts。

Mr. D'Alessandro details the functions of the National Park Service to the delegation、And the status of the United States now all national parks management。In the next forum in the delegation and a number of policy and planning National Park Service experts exchanged views on the development and implementation of the master plan of the National Park Service and the special regulations,And in-depth understanding of the similarities and differences between the two governments at the national park management system for。US National Park Service noted,Various types of system planning and management within the National Park system is built under a "basic document management.",Next, each national park will have its own internal problems to develop all kinds of various types of special provisions。同时每个国家公园都直接受联邦政府管辖而不受地方政府管辖美国国家公园每年大部分运转资金都靠联邦政府支持同时还会将公园内部向游客服务的设施承包租赁给外部商户并向他们收取费用来补贴公园的运营。Other,美国国家公园也接受社会捐赠


While in Washington,代表团一行还前往了马里兰州切萨皮克湾的史密森尼环境研究中心参观在研究中心工作人员的介绍下代表团了解了史密森尼环境研究中心的工作重点以及该研究中心多年在切萨皮克湾流域进行河道治理的经验代表团参观了史密森尼环境研究中心著名的Charles McC. Mathias实验室该实验室秉承了可持续发展的理念建筑材料全部为清洁能源并极大的做到了能源的循环利用和减少污染的排放该建筑物曾经获得了美国总统颁发的可持续建筑奖章之后代表团在马里兰州府安纳波利斯市政府关于Bob Agee先生的陪同下考察参观了安纳波利斯市并了解了其海港的环境治理经验


7Month 25 days,代表团一行来到了久负盛名的黄石国家公园考察了黄石公园内大棱镜黄石瀑布和老忠实泉等多个著名景点的自然风景和人文设施期间还横穿了整个黄石公园近距离地观察了美洲野牛美洲野狼和麋鹿等野生动物和游客在国家公园内的游览状况并于当日当地时间下午三点会见了黄石国家公园园长Dan Wenk先生Wenk先生对代表团一行进行了热烈的问候并衷心希望三江源国家公园的建设成功接下来Wenk先生详细介绍了黄石公园的自然资源现状游客管理情况管理模式和现状遭遇的挑战代表团各位专家也与黄石公园管理方就游客流量的控制自然资源的管理项目资金的来源和行政管理模式上进行了深入的交流

离开黄石公园后代表团顺利抵达内华达州并先探访了胡佛大坝的水利工程随后到访亚利桑那州的塞多纳州立公园考察了州立公园的自然资源和设施建设。7月26日代表团一行顺利抵达了大峡谷国家公园会见了大峡谷国家公园国际事务处专员Kirby Shedlowski女士。Ms. Shedlowski details the status of natural resources Grand Canyon National Park to the delegation、Visitors Flow、Management and now face the challenge。Then come under the delegation on Aboriginal issues within the national park in-depth discussion with Ms. Shedlowski,While for Grand Canyon National Park leading role in the economy of the surrounding towns also have in-depth understanding of。

The study tour lasted twelve days,To Washington, DC as a starting point,Footprint delegation involves Maryland、Florida、Iowa、Montana、Wyoming、Utah、New Mexico、Nevada、A number of cities in Arizona and California、area、State Parks and National Park。The delegation met a number of US government、Officials and commissioner for-profit research institutions,Details depth discussions with the management of the National Park Planning Schemes,Management and the balance of natural resources and human resources,Administrative division and coordination,Sources of project funding multidimensional problem,Gained valuable experience for the overall planning and construction of the Three Rivers National Park and follow-up management。Meanwhile delegation and a number of US government officials at time of the talks expressed the vision of the future may be associated with both national parks and environmental research institutions of mutual cooperation。Final on July 30, 2017,The successful conclusion of the visit to return home。The visit will further deepen China International Environmental Foundation and the consultative company、Working closely Three Rivers National Park Service and other agencies,Jointly contribute their efforts for China's environmental protection cause。