2017 IFCE "Green Future Leaders" training camp
publish time:2017-09-26
Background of the project
Green and sustainable development are the hot issues of the international community's attention,But also around the world,Especially in China, Major challenges faced in the 21st century。2015The United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development held is a milestone in the history of mankind。The main outcome of the conference "change our world:2030Sustainable development agenda "identified 17 sustainable development goals,Designed to make the world turned to the road of sustainable development,Address social、Economic development and the environment in three dimensions。Currently, China's increasing pressure on resources and the environment,Socio-economic development model began to transition,China Green Economy,Green industries and green economic development agencies will become China,Emerging dominant direction of social development。However, compared with the rapid development of China's green field,Chinese professionals in the field of green,In particular leader is a serious shortage。in contrast,The United States and Europe as the representative of the developed countries,Long focused on the development of green,Not only has a wealth of technology and experience in the field of energy saving, But also in the development of low-carbon green innovation。therefore,Understand the American green development process,Actively learn these advanced technologies and innovative experiences,And of great significance in promoting the development of China's green leadership。
INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR CHINA'S ENVIRONMENT (IFCE)We have long been committed to promoting Sino-US exchange environment,Promote the development of non-governmental environmental forces, In particular, the growth of student environmental organization。Since 2001,, Support activities, "Chinese students Environment Forum", Hundreds of university culture and green environmental leaders。2015year, 基金会推出第一届 International Green Youth Leadership Development Camp, Through the promotion of international exchange and learning,Enhance the understanding of green field development of college students, Youth leadership development,Youth leader's trip to attend three seminars and leadership training,through learning, Enhance innovation and leadership, Youth Leadership and the World Bank,Experts and scholars from institutions such as the World Wide Fund for Nature face to face,Share experiences,Discuss questions,Through this study,Investigation and Training,Understand the development process of the United States and the latest trends in green development,Enhanced knowledge, Enlightenment thinking,Harvest Shengfeng。
2017In IFCE "Green Future Leaders" training camp in 2015 on the basis of,Increase leadership training and seminars,While increasing exchanges with the United States first-class university students and officials of the United Nations,Stimulate innovation awareness,Provide a new knowledge for those interested in youth leadership and promote China's green development,Ability and vision development platform。
Project Description
International Fund for China’s Environment
Nankai University College of Environmental Science and Engineering
West Peihua University
United States Washington、new York、Boston
Project Objectives:
- Learn thinking green innovation,Develop leadership and organizational skills,
- Deep into the American energy and green environment agency,Depth exchanges with industry experts,Understanding of American history and the development of green and sustainable.
- And Ivy League scholars and students in depth discussion of sustainable development and environment, energy and other related topics, Building up a network, Broaden their horizons。
Camp objects:
Interested in green development,It has a certain organizational and leadership skills,And English skills of high school students in school, Graduate or serving officers
30 人
35,000 yuan
往返美国机票费用 (北京出发)
在美的食宿,Transportation and lectures,translation,Admission fee
Does not include:
All fees apply for a passport / visa,To the country of departure (Beijing or Shanghai) transportation costs,Overseas communications and other personal expenses
1.submit application
递交简历至国际中国环境基金会 dekedun@ifce.org 2. The first round of audit and consulting projects After we receive your resume,It will be forwarded to the audit review committee。If passed a first reading,We will issue a preliminary examination in the mail within three working days the applicant,And a return visit,Applicants answer doubts。 3. Skype Interview We will make an appointment interview with the applicant。Then Skype interview conducted by the Project Review Committee,Assessment of their overall quality and basic English skills。 4. Admission notification If the applicant successfully passed the interview,We'll decision on admission。并为特别优秀者提供部分奖学金(5000-15000元)。 5. Visa assistance 申请者确认参加后,China International Environmental Foundation will issue official invitations,And to assist visa applicants。 6. 项目申请日期 截止日期: 2017年6月15日。项目招生人数有限,录满即止,请尽早提交项目申请。 |
date | location | 活动安排 |
8月12 星期六 |
华盛顿 |
抵达华盛顿 |
星期天 |
华盛顿 | 参观白宫,国会大厦、Lincoln Memorial、杰佛逊纪念堂, 自然历史博物馆等,深入了解美国国家机构设立,政治体制,全面了解美国发展历史
at night:China Foundation for International Environmental Welcome Dinner,Foundation consultant,Director, 中国大使馆官员, 美国 EPA, DOE 官员, 重要智库/国际机构代表等出席
星期一 |
华盛顿 | morning:领导力培训讲座 1, “如何进行绿色创业”, 将邀请专家介绍新型绿色商机, 绿色商业模式和如何启动绿色企业.
Speaker: Diane MacEachern 绿色大钱包创始人
in the afternoon:1) Visit the World Bank / GEF headquarters,With the World Bank Environment,energy,Economic experts face to face forum,Learn the World Bank / Global Environment Facility Energy and environment for sustainable development projects carried out in the world
2)Access to the world's largest environmental organization WWF US headquarters,Understand the operation of the Environmental Protection Organization,Depth exchanges with experts environmental projects,Policies for sustainable development,Energy and animal protection issues related to Dr. Hu Tao, Director of WWF-US China |
星期二 |
华盛顿 | morning: 领导力培训讲座 2,”如何提升领导力”
Michael Maccoby, Harvard, 牛津大学荣誉教授
in the afternoon:领导力培训讲座 3 “如何建立和发展非赢利机构” Dr. He Ping, President of China International Environmental Foundation |
星期三 |
华盛顿 | morning:访问美国国际城市协会 (ICMA), 了解可持续城市发展和有一百多年历史的非盈利机构的发展过程
in the afternoon: 领导力培训讲座 4 “有效的时间管理和团队管理” Dr. Zongmin Li, China Foundation for International Environmental Leadership Development Instructor, 前福特基金会项目官员
华盛顿 | morning: 访问地球日网络(EDN), 了解美国环境运动的发展历史和公众参与的进程
in the afternoon:领导力培训讲座 5 "From Immigrant to Chief Economist - leader to success.", Samuel Mok, Former chief economist of the US Department of Labor |
星期五 |
费城 new York |
美国旧都、独立宣言的签署地费城,参观独立宫、自由钟,了解美国发展历史 参观美国综合排名第一大学,被誉为美国最美校园的普林斯顿大学
星期六 |
new York | morning:参观 洛克菲勒中心、Wall Street、第五大道,时代广场等,深入纽约,了解世界经济金融中心的历史和文化。
in the afternoon:乘船哈德逊河,纵览曼哈顿岛,参观美国的标志性建筑自由女神像, 感悟自由独立精神, 并了解曼哈顿岛的历史变迁.
星期天 |
new York
Boston |
morning:与联合国(UN) 可持续发展委员会专家交流讨论。
in the afternoon:To Boston |
星期一 |
Boston |
in the afternoon:游览美国最古老、最具有历史文化价值的城市波士顿,游览波士顿海港,圣三一大教堂,波士顿公共图书馆,州议会大厦,昆西市场等。了解波士顿的发展历史和城市改造过程,特别是昆西市场的变迁。
8月22 星期二 |
Boston | morning:Summary, 反馈/颁发结业证书
in the afternoon:离开波士顿, 返回北京 |
1.对绿色行业的全面理解:By US trip,Participants can from policy、financial、technology、商业等各个方面了解绿色发展现状,开拓眼界。
2.Enhance innovation and leadership: 通过参加领导力培训教程,为今后创业和领导作准备.
3.Exchange of experience leading universities:通过访问常春藤学校,And students,expert、Professor depth exchanges related to the development of green industry issues,为以后申请这些学校和美国其它学校作准备。
4.美国东部城市体验:感受美国历史名城的魅力,Depth understanding of American culture,history,Economic and development history and current situation。
5.certificate:Participants will receive "future environmental leaders" training certificate issued by the Foundation。
6.Follow-up service:
1)培训结束后, 学员将提交一份总结报告, 我们将对优秀的总结报告进行奖励;
2)项目结束后,We will use the international platform for high-end green industry,It provides students with career counseling service continuity