2017Activity Summary - Green Future Leadership Training Camp

publish time:2018-04-02

2017年8月IFCE在美国华盛顿及纽约等城市举办2017“未来绿色领袖”训练营参加本次训练营的学员来自中山大学、Beijing University、南京大学中国国际工程咨询公司American UniversityGeorgetown University,etc.。在为期10天的训练营中学员与前美国劳工部总会计师、Corrado, president of the International Advisory Mr. Samuel Mok,绿色大钱包创始人Diane MacEachern女士,Professor Emeritus of Harvard University. Michael Maccoby,资深培训师Kevin Hinman先生,Dr. GEF Senior Climate Expert. Ming Yang还有Capital Bank 的David Vardeman先生进行了从领导力讨论、Non-profit business organization、teamwork、Capital and operational aspects of global environmental challenges such as in-depth study and discussion。并在华盛顿的训练营结束后前往纽约,And enter the United Nations Headquarters to visit。在参观中学员们受到了苏里南共和国驻联合国大使Henry Mac Donald的接见并有幸进入联合国安全理事会会场学员们还前往纽黑文参观耶鲁大学,Visiting Dr. Song Yajie from Yale University,受到森林和环境学院副院长Gordon Geballe博士接待。Under the leadership of Dr. Song, the training group visited the JSDE Research Institute co-founded by Yale University and Dr. Song。行程中训练营学员还参观访问了素有第二小白宫的威瑞达斯学校、Earth Day Web Headquarters、International Association of Urban Management,The World Bank、Harvard University、哥伦比亚大学、Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the world's largest environmental organization WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) US headquarters。These activities have a training camp members a taste of the real world-class training,The most authoritative experts and cutting-edge environmental and green development trends。IFCE 给学员们颁发了结业证书学员们对这次培训给予积极的评价希望 IFCE 扩大规模让更多的学生受益

Mr. David Vardeman of Capital Bank给训练营的学员们讲课


2017未来绿色领袖训练营在华盛顿 WWF-US 访问