Media Coverage
The United Nation Climate Change Conference Wrapped Up with Few Commissions-- Why It is So Difficult to Reach an Agreement?
Saving the Last Rainforest in Southwest China -- Restoration of Forest Ecosystems and Building Sustainable Livelihood in Xishuangbanna and Pu’er of Yunnan, China
Summary of the 2014 US-China Climate Roundtable
Ping He: Looking Forward to the Improvement of China’s Environment
Dr. Ping He issued a special environmental commentary on the People’s Daily
Ping He’s comments on China’s environment quoted on the US web-It‘s not all bad in China [6/9/2009]
IFCE 20th Anniversary Green-Eco Concert
EmeraldPlanet TV Live Interviewed IFCE about China’s Air Pollution Control
Capitol Forum on China’s Environment - REPORT
Dr.He Spoke at 2014 Hua Chuang Hui: Prevention and Control of Air Pollution
2013-2014 Hunan Pollution Information Transparency Index Evaluation Report Released
2011 US-China Green Development Symposium
Dr. Pinghe, IFCE president, visited Chongqing Environmental Protection Bureau(CEPB) [Nov.10,2009]
International Experts and Business Leaders Gathered in Washington DC to Attend the 2016 Global Forum on China’s Urban Air Pollution Control
Interview: Energy Efficiency, Climate Change, and Market Forces Shaping China’s Economic Future [8/3/2015]
[News] IFCE Earth Day Event: Celebrating 45th Earth Day Anniversary and Mr. Lester Brown\'s Life-time Achievements
The Emerald Planet TV Program
Dr. Ping He Accepted CNA Reporter’s Interview